Richland Chambers Lake

Spotlight on Richland Chambers Lake

Southeast of Dallas lies an up-and-coming lake that has been getting attention from developers and lake home buyers. Richland Chambers Lake has been a quiet lake since the 1980s, built on the confluence of two creeks on the prairie. Just outside of Corsicana, Texas, it really is the perfect blend of amenities without the crowd…

Lake Pontchartrain

Spotlight on Lake Pontchartrain

Lake Pontchartrain isn’t technically a lake, but it has been called such for hundreds of years, so the name stuck. It’s actually a natural estuary, an enormous body of shallow brackish water that is part of the delta land. Fresh water flows from all over the American heartland and into this basin, opening up into…


Two Brand New Lakes in Texas

It’s not every day that you get to announce the building of a new lake, much less two. North Texas is soon to be home to Bois d’ Arc Lake and Lake Ralph Hall, Texas’ two newest lakes. Both lakes are in Fannin County. Bois D’ Arc Lake is located four miles northeast of Bonham,…

Grand Lake

Spotlight on Grand Lake

If you’re looking for a huge, beautiful lake that really has everything, then take a trip to northeast Oklahoma to Grand Lake O’ The Cherokee. Squarely within the Cherokee Nation, this 46,000 acre lake is over 60 miles long, and has well over 1,300 miles of shoreline. It has plenty of amenities, mixed with plenty…

Lake o the Pines

Spotlight on Lake O’ the Pines

Neatly nestled in East Texas is a beautiful lake that is hardly traveled. Lake O’ the Pines is aptly named, as it is surrounded by beautiful hills and piney woods. Explore Lake O’ the Pines in Detail For more information, news, events, trip planning and interesting history, you can explore our sister site Here…

brain eating amoebas

Should We Fear Brain-Eating Amoebas?

In the summer time, when the mid-day heat hits it’s full peak, there’s nothing more refreshing than jumping in your favorite swimming hole. With murmurs of brain-eating amoebas in the news lately, even while having fun swimming you might be thinking in the back of your mind… is this safe? We hear about these deadly…

Cedar Creek Lake

Spotlight on Cedar Creek Lake

On the brink of city and country southeast of Dallas, Texas you will find the marvelous Cedar Creek Lake. With over 32,000 acres of water to explore and 320+ miles of shorefront, there are wild spaces mixed with plenty of amenities. There are islands with boat-up restaurants, shorefront living, bird habitats, private boat houses, plenty…

Watts Bar Lake

Spotlight on Watts Bar Lake

Eastern Tennessee is home to some beautiful winding river lakes, and Watts Bar Lake is no exception. With over 39,000 surface acres of water and dozens of islands to explore, this enormous lake has plenty of space for everyone. Set in the Appalachian foothills, Watts Bar Lake has over 700 miles of wild shoreline, plenty…

lake lewisville

Spotlight on Lake Lewisville

Lake Lewisville isn’t exactly a secret – anyone in the Dallas / Fort Worth metroplex knows about this weekend favorite. But as you explore the lake, you’ll find wonder after wonder that goes overlooked by the summertime crowd. Lake Lewisville is a lot more than just party cove on Saturday afternoon. From hunting to fishing,…

spanish moss on oak trees

Spanish Moss: A Southern Lake Icon

French and Spanish explorers gave Spanish moss its name. Native Americans called the plant Itla-okla, which meant “tree hair.” But amazingly, Spanish moss does not harm trees or weigh down branches of healthy trees. It is simply one of the most superb plants the South has to offer.  What is Spanish Moss? Spanish moss is…